The Most Magical Season of the Year

Most Magical Season red lettersThe Holiday Season that includes Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, and New Year’s has traditionally been called “The Most Magical Season of the Year.” The reasons for this are many, but all of the reasons include coming together with Family and Friends to Celebrate and have Fun.

As we celebrate our shared “magic” we tell each other the stories of delightful events from past years. But more importantly, we come together to create new moments of magic that will become the memories of future years.

One of the things I share with clients is that the tricks I do are not the “magic” – that the magic is the shared experience that happens between the performer and the audience. The smiles and laughter that are exchanged are the real magic. Smiles and laughter are also the real magic that is created with Friends and Family during Holiday Get-togethers.

Gary Flegal Best of NashvilleWhat new memories (magic) will you create this year? Will it be a new game that everyone plays together, sharing a new recipe, or watching a football game on television?

Or maybe you will invite a professional entertainer to join your family and friends, someone who is skilled in creating smiles and laughter with groups of people just like yours?

Go ahead – make it happen. And then there will be real magic during your celebration of this Most Magical Season of the Year.

Gary Flegal
THE  Family Entertainment Expert!

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