Birthday Show Magic – The Fairy Godmother Was There!

Birthday GirlHave you ever met a Real Fairy Godmother? I did last weekend.

I just received an email with something Very Special. Attached to this email was a picture shared by the Dad at one of last weekend’s birthday magic shows. His message to me was, “Thought you may like this. Feel free to use it how you wish. Thanks for the great show.”

Like it? I LOVE IT!

That picture is displayed to the right and shows his lovely daughter as the star of her very own birthday celebration. She was in a very magical mood and dressed as a Fairy Godmother for the event. What a pleasure to see the delight on her face as she experiences a “Moment of Magic” during her party.

Mom and Dad were both complimentary of the show and recorded their words of encouragement and excitement to share with everyone else. You can see what they had to say down below.

I get to meet so many great people as I share my shows. Thank you so very much.




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